Board Preparedness: Building a Foundation for Success

In today’s dynamic environment of association governance, the need for a prepared, strategically minded board is critical. The FOCUs Framework for Board Success—encompassing Foundation, Orientation, Confirmation, and Unification—provides a comprehensive approach to ensuring that board members are not just equipped but are empowered to lead effectively from day one.

This article will delve into the first critical component of this framework: Foundation. Establishing a solid foundation is paramount, as it sets the stage for all subsequent phases of board preparedness – and can be structured to make an impact even before your board meets for the first time. Through strategic early engagement, associations can cultivate leaders who are not only knowledgeable but are deeply aligned with the organization’s mission and future goals..

Developing Leaders

Building a strong foundation for board preparedness begins with developing future leaders who are well-versed in the organization’s mission, strategy, and governance structure. Prospective board members should be provided with a robust knowledge base during the nomination and election phases through:

  • An in-depth review of the vision, mission, and strategy of the organization

  • An in-depth review of the governance structure of the organization

  • Clear and explicitly stated board values and culture, as well as the expectations of board members as they serve

  • Definitions of the roles and responsibilities of board members, make sure they understand what they are taking on as they join your board

  • Confirm the candidates service will not create a conflict of interest in becoming a board member and ensure the candidate has complete a conflict-of-interest form

  • One-on-one conversations between candidates and the CEO or board chair to explore various aspects of board service

This preparatory phase ensures that even those who do not ultimately serve on the board are still equipped with the insights and skills needed to contribute meaningfully to other leadership capacities within the organization.

Although many of these pieces can be seen simply as opportunities to transfer knowledge, an organization that gives intention to providing meaningful experiences can look to ‘up their game’ by doing more than sending over PDF’s and website links. Any of the above could be provided through 1:1 conversations with current leaders, through leader town halls for a group foundation building, or even in building a leadership preparation ‘course’ that anyone who is interested in running someday could take.

Working with Candidates

One of the most critical aspects of building a foundation is the opportunity for a one-on-one conversation between the CEO or Board Chair and potential board candidates. This discussion, while informal, is a strategic opportunity to explore the candidate’s motivations for running, their vision of how they can contribute for the organization’s future, and their understanding of what meaningful volunteerism looks like. Even if a candidate is not elected in the current cycle, this engagement can lay the groundwork for future involvement in other capacities, thereby strengthening the organization’s leadership pipeline.

Building a Foundation

Establishing a strong foundation not only prepares individual leaders but also helps the board focus on the broader vision and future of the organization.  Building this foundation involves a thorough review of the organization’s vision, mission, and governance structure to ensure that all potential board members are aligned with the organization’s strategic goals and are prepared to contribute effectively from the outset.

The FOCUs framework is centered on preparing your board to lead with confidence and clarity. The foundation stage will help you create a cohort of excellent leaders each board election cycle, and prime your board for the next FOCUs phase, Orientation.

To explore these concepts further and gain deeper insights into board preparedness, readers are encouraged to consult Vista Cova’s comprehensive Board Preparedness paper. Stay tuned for our next article, where we will delve into the Orientation phase of the FOCUs Framework, providing strategies to ensure that board members are fully equipped for their new roles.

Lowell Aplebaum, EdD, FASAE, CAE, CPF

Lowell Aplebaum, EdD, FASAE, CAE, CPF is the CEO of Vista Cova.


Cultivating Your Leadership Pipeline