Associations 2021: Building New Norms
Possibility. If I was going to capture what 2021 is bringing it with it – there is amazing potential and possibility.

Advice to Associations: Six Perspectives
On a recent brain-share call with a handful of #association partner colleagues, we realized that aspects of our conversation could prove useful for the greater community. With thanks to Mary Byers, Jeff Cobb, Seth Kahan, Bruce Rosenthal, and Celisa Steele.

Introducing Responsible Transparency
In the democratic systems that guide the governance of #nonprofits, there is an inherent expectation of transparency allowing the system of leadership to operate from a place of trust and confidence in partnership with those they serve.

Beyond Board Orientation
Our organizations are incredibly lucky. Year after year we have caring, committed members who are willing to give up a significant piece of their life to serve at the highest levels of leadership.
Transformation in the Time of COVID
Over the past two months, we have wandered together through a trough that has left even the most accomplished and seasoned leaders stunned, worn out, and shaken. Yet through this unexpected breach of COVID 19 into this year’s aspirational strategies, we are witnessing the Power of Associations and watching new models and understandings being birthed moment by moment.